#SelfLoveofTheDay Think and Grow Rich


I’m currently reading this  book –  a popular one amongst those who concern themselves with personal development. Hill focuses on growing in financial abundance in the book, but the principles he discusses can be applied to growing in abundance in any area of your life. Taking the time to develop the mindset needed for success is showering love on your life! One of my favorite nuggets of wisdom from the book:

Riches begin in the form of thought!

The amount is limited only by the person whose mind the thought is put into motion. Faith moves limitations! Remember this when you are ready to bargain with life for whatever it is that you ask as your price for having passed this way.

He talks about your mindset being like a fertile garden, and you’re the gardener that determines the kind of seeds grow in abundance. I don’t know about you, but I am working towards growing fortuitous, nourishing vegetation in my mind’s garden!

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