Readiness, Creativity & Joy

Readiness, Creativity & Joy

To get clear on what it is that you desire for your life, you often have to act and engage your desire to get the clarity you seek. Start before you’re ready, as it’s often put. I got into the business of coaching to help others live their best lives. For quite some time I didn’t know EXACTLY what that meant, but I decided to start Shine! by Patricia Gene anyway, completely unclear as to how I’d benefit the lives of others through this business. I figured, hoped, and prayed that what I needed to do became clear as I went along, assuming that starting before I was ready was sound advice. Starting before you’re ready is sound advice. It may sound counterintuitive, or illogical, but you have to know that if you wait until you feel “ready” to do anything, you will get very little done! I got clarity about the work of Shine! during a conversation with a few attorneys I work with (in my 9-5 gig)  about what we’d do if we won the lottery. I responded that I’d still be an attorney (I love being an attorney!).  A colleague remarked, if she won the lottery she’d leave the law and do something creative. In response, I said: But, you don’t have to wait to win the lottery to do something creative!  She said, “Nope, I do! I need money to do something creative.” I can’t speak to what my colleague really meant by doing something “creative.”  But in my response to her lottery musings, I found the inspiration for the More Creativity More Joy program....