More Creativity, More Joy! Program

Does some or all of this sound like you?

  • The best part of your week is the weekend. During the week you find yourself counting the hours and minutes to the end of your workday.
  • You like the idea of a beauty regimen, love to read beauty reviews and pin images from beauty websites, but you don’t have a beauty regimen or you’re unsure about it.
  • You love cooking shows, read a bunch of cooking blogs, pin all kinds of tasty sounding recipes but rarely (if ever) try what you say you’re going to try.
  • You admire other people’s personal style choices (hair, clothing, shoes, accessories) but you aren’t too sure of your own.
  • You love to DIY (Do-It-Yourself) crafts and projects but you find little time these days to “Do” anything.
  • You greatly admire the creativity of others, but feel completely out of touch with your own, or you believe you just aren’t creative.
  • You have this desire to bring an idea to life, but you don’t know how to start or when you’ll have the time.

If you recognize yourself in any of the above, let’s talk about how to get More Creativity and More Joy in your everyday! You can start by scheduling an appointment to have your More Creativity, More Joy assessment at no-cost!


This 66 day program includes:

  • A one-on-one Strategy Session, during which we will develop a strategy to to increase the creativity and joy you experience everyday.
  • Your More Creativity More Joy Strategy. Delivered 24-72 hours after the Strategy Session, this will be your personalized strategy for increasing the creativity and joy in your life. The strategy is meant only for you, based on what we’ve discussed in your assessment and Strategy Session.
  • Four bi-weekly check in sessions, where we focus on the implementation of the strategy and the increase CREATIVITY and JOY in your life. Note: your strategy may grow and change as you grow and change in the program! 
  • One final session (approximately a week after the last bi-weekly session): a wrap-up session for the program, where you’ll be given a plan of continued action.
  • Unlimited email support throughout the 66 days (with a 24-hour response time).
  • Me, your Creativity and Joy Coach! As your coach, I’m here to support you as you take steps needed to realize your goals and dreams. I’m your cheerleader, your taskmaster and your strategist!

Total Investment for More Creativity, More Joy!

One payment of $697


Three monthly payments of $250.

Schedule Your More Creativity More Joy Assessment!

Depending on your MCMJ strategy, there may be a need to do “field” work one-on-one: MCMJ VIP support. This level of support is optional but may be recommended depending on your individual need.

MCMJ VIP Support – I come to you to support you one on one. Field work may include, but is not limited to:

  • Kitchen Pantry Makeovers
  • Shopping for the Life You Desire
  • Empowerment through Home Design.

MCMJ VIP Support may require 3 to 6 hours in one day, depending on need. These sessions are billed hourly and cover cost of any needed materials. Please contact me for more details!