Do it anyway!

Do it anyway!

Ever felt like you were called to do something, but held off on acting on that call because you didn’t have [insert thing here]? Ever had this happen, and the more you ignored that call, the more you felt like you needed to do what you were called? I have. This blog, my lifestyle coaching business…I was called to start this a long time ago. I held off on this for years because I didn’t feel like I didn’t have [insert many many things here]! I started my education and training at IIN because I wanted to fill in some of those blanks, and that it did. But there was a point where I learned everything I needed and I still felt like I needed to have a bit more and to get perfect with what I had before I launched. And at that time, everywhere I went I got this message: Do it anyway. And here I am, doing it. The message that really sent me over the edge was this story by Ali Brown that I think you should read. I read it and thought if SHE could do it, then I had no excuse to launch Shine! I mentioned this story to a friend yesterday, and I realized that stuff like this story deserved to be shared. So please read: Why You Should Not Wait for a Clear Vision before You Move Forward, by Ali Brown. The most poignant part for me (apart from the ATM story!) Back then, my only “vision” was to be self-sufficient. To pay my rent on time and in full every...
Are You Hungry For Change?

Are You Hungry For Change?

    Sign up for a free online screening of Hungry for Change, a documentary that’s credited with helping many create the health, life and body they deserve! I haven’t seen it yet but the trailer (above) definitely has my interest! If you sign up you’ll also get access to “take action” videos by some of the most popular health experts  (that action directed towards a healthier lifestyle), free detox recipes, a DVD giveaway and live Q&A. The screening begins March 21st. Sign Up Now! I’ll be watching the doc and the take action videos and trying the detox recipes – not sure if I can make it for the Live Q&A. Anything worth sharing from that experience will be shared here! Stay tuned....

Rise Your Shine.

  Rise to challenges as they come. Rise above them. Rise above what you conceive to be your level – go higher than you think you can go. When you rise, you awaken whatever magnificence lies dormant in you. Rise to the greatness you are, and go higher than that. Your gifts are needed in the world. If you haven’t been sharing them, it’s time you do. Your talents are not just meant for you. You share your gifts and you glow. Why hide your light? Why shrink away from what calls you? Why play life small? Whose life is helped by keeping your magic in? Shine! Let your being emanate with the radiance of your glory. You are the descendant of stars – your being is formed of stardust. There’s no need to “reach” for that which you are. Intensify the massive source of light that is you. In a Universe of darkness, in a world full of those who don’t know their own light, your radiance is needed. Consider me your...
An Instant Love Boost

An Instant Love Boost

Beauty and grooming can provide an instant mood boost. If you doubt this, the next time you’re in a bad mood immerse yourself in a little beauty and/or grooming and see how you feel after. The picture above was taken on a bright sunny day, but my mood failed to match. I pulled out this vibrant shade of lipstick and voila! Instant mood boost. And I could say it’s about the lipstick (it’s so bright and fun!) but I’ve also witnessed my fiance’ experience the same mood boost when he gets his beard shaped by his barber. The smile on my face isn’t happiness with the lipstick, it’s just happy! Beauty and grooming provide this mood boost because when you’re in the process of beautifying, you’re in the act of raising the vibration on an aspect of your life. It tends to be a rather convenient way to pick up one’s energy, which can make it a crutch for some. I would recommend NOT relying on beauty to feel good about yourself! Rather, treat beauty and grooming as a means to show love to your physical self. Think thoughts of love when you apply your favorite shade of lipstick or treat yourself to a haircut – you’ll be raising your vibrations much higher than you would if you were using the lipstick as a cover for whatever’s bothering you. So in those times when you need to feel a little loved, show yourself some love by beautifying, and watch your shine...
You Shine Too.

You Shine Too.

So I had this blog idea all lined up for my “premiere” post about the power in taking small steps (yes indeed, it’s powerful) but no, that’s scrapped because as I was writing it I happened upon VH1’s Behind the Music about Nicole Scherzinger. Nicole Scherzinger, apparently, struggled with body image issues and bulimia for several years. Body image issues? Builimia? This beautiful woman didn’t like her body? It just goes to show you that no matter how shiny and gorgeous you are on the outside, you are not exempt from having shit to deal with. Everyone has their shit! I’ve struggled with body image issues, self confidence issues, issues with my parents, issues upon issues upon issues. But I, Nicole, and YOU, are here to show the world that even though you have your shit, you shine too. Additionally, having shit to deal with is not an excuse to NOT shine. We all have our shit, but that absolutely DOES NOT have to stop you from living as brightly as possible. Even when you don’t like YOU, you are great and that greatness is meant to be shared. I’m so thankful that Nicole had the courage to share this part of her story with us. It’s interesting to me, because apparently she suffered with bulimia just as her star rose. She shone in her career while battling a major disorder and as far as this Behind the Music shows, it was her rock-bottom moment with bulimia that pushed her to new heights  – didn’t have anywhere else where to go but up. And now, this woman who suffered with body image issues is...