Space Expansion.

Space Expansion.

I’ve known about this phenomenon for some time now: the deception of appearance that’s visited on people who don’t have reason to know my chronological age. To these people I appear younger than the thirty-five-year-and-six month-old (almost seven) that I am. And it’s so interesting that when I reveal my age those who think otherwise, that I often get “complimented” for looking like I’ve been here for less time. It’s interesting, but it’s not. I think the first lesson-of-the-world I was taught is that I’m not supposed to take up much space. That’s about physical space – the world would prefer me to be smaller. That’s about my voice – the world would prefer to keep me quiet, or quieter, lest I cause any trouble or have reason to be heard. And as I’ve spent more time taking up space on the planet, the “less” becomes about the time I’ve been here. As I age, I learn the world would prefer me to be here for less time that I’ve been. And maybe I could lose weight. Maybe, just maybe, I could speak softly. Maybe I could not write this, and publish it, and have you read it – so my thoughts don’t take up space in the internet, or in your mind. But the one thing I cannot change is the amount of time I’ve been on the planet. Time spent is time spent and even if I appear younger, I can’t go backwards. Time continues even if we don’t feel it. And with time comes change; even if you don’t do too much we organisms are meant...


I’m not sure I’m gonna publish this one, but if you’re reading this and you aren’t me, then you know what I decided to do with it. I haven’t written like this in a while. I write all the time but nothing that’s meant to be written for the sake of my words to be someone else’s focus, to be focused on for the enjoyment of words dancing in the reader’s mind,. These days when I write it’s usually a journal entry – that’s for me. Or to explain some concept, or give advice – that’s usually for the client at my j-o-b. Or to support an image I post on Instagram, that’s for the understanding of why I posted the picture. This morning I got out of bed completely unexcited about the day ahead. I felt not one ounce of enthusiasm for a day that would be a fraction of a career I put my all into, a career  I’m still committed to. I had to accept that, despite my commitment to my career, the way I’m carrying it out is not conducive to my joy. That’s it. During the day I had a conversation with a colleague about a time five years ago, where I made a decision about my career only intending for that decision to support my joy as much as possible. And the result of the decision led to more joy that I would’ve expected from my job at the time. That joyful period’s over, and I’m so grateful that I had it. And talking to my colleague about it reminded me that my intention...
Honest perspective.

Honest perspective.

Honesty is the best policy, but not the easiest. It’s the best because we live in an honest Universe. The Universe is not a liar, and won’t support you in your lies. The Universe functions on truth. When we lie to ourselves and others, the Universe will seek that lie’s correction. So either we let the correction happen through us (that is, we fess up, we confront, we shine a light in the shadows) or the Universe does it for us. The truth comes out, finds a way to be seen, ensures that it won’t be ignored. While being the truth agent isn’t easy, it is easier than having the truth forced upon you, or me, or others. Let yourself be an agent of truth. An agent of the light and keeping things in the light. Not the same thing as telling everyone your business, by the way. No, we don’t really need to know all that you have going on, as “honesty” is not the same thing as “show and tell.” But in the living of your life, as long as you embrace all that is you and your life, you are living honestly. As long as you are living in full expression of your truth (verbal and nonverbal), not in hiding, you are living honestly. And you’ll find when you take this approach that the Universe will respond quicker to your desires. The Universe will show you unprecedented favor, in the way all things show you great favor when you speak their language, when you vibe along their energetic wavelength, when you go in the direction they’re...
Ease v. Easy

Ease v. Easy

There’s a difference between being at ease in a situation and a situation being easy to deal with. Recently I had a conversation with someone talking about “flow” and a situation not “flowing” because of some bumps taking place within situation. Thinking about that conversation just now, it hit me: people often confuse one’s ease in a situation with the situation being easy. Life won’t always be easy. So it stands to reason that endeavors and situations you will be in will present a challenge. That is the way of life, the way of the Universe. But things flowing? That is up to you. Things flowing, and you being at ease, is about how you deal with what comes your way. And of course, when endeavors are not presenting challenges, it’s easy to be at ease. Some would say that the endeavor being easy is when you are in flow. But no, because if the endeavor is consistent with the way of the life, it’s going to present you with a challenge. But you get to decide how you want to deal with the challenge. Do you want to resist the fact that you are being presented with a challenge? Do you try to ignore the challenge? If yes, then you will not be at ease. But if the answers those questions are no, and instead you decide to go with the difficulty, and take it head on… that is ease. Going with the flow means taking on what comes, good and bad. So which are you going for? Ease, or easy? Are you looking to take on things...
Belly love.

Belly love.

It started out as the typical bathroom run. I peed, wiped, and started to pull up my panties. As I went down for my drawers, though, I was aware of the sensation of my hands along my belly, and it felt like my skin relished the touch. It occurred to me that I have not loved and loved-on my belly ever. So I leaned over, grabbed up my super jiggly middle, and gave it a squeeze. While I squeezed my belly I spoke love, joy and peace to it. And then I fixed my clothes, flushed, washed my hands and went on about my day. I left that bathroom feeling a bit warmer in my heart, all because I gave my body some love, intentionally. If I’m going to be body positive, I need to be positive about it all. And positive doesn’t mean “liking” it all, but embracing my entire body for what it is. So now I’m into belly hugs: warm, cuddly and affectionate. Because it deserves as much love as every other celebrated part of my body. And I’m going to embrace it, literally, because it’s a part of the temple that houses my spirit. Someone has to celebrate my body, I figure. And that someone can be me!...